汉译《我心飞扬》 原作/William Wordsworth 底事凝观意欲仙,彩虹奇幻贯长天。 孩提赏景欢如是,弱冠关心喜亦然。 垂暮悭缘催白发,翳蒙抱憾赴黄泉。 每从人子知人父,禀赋无违任岁迁。
英文原作: MyHeart Leaps up When I Behold ByWilliam Wordsworth MyHeart Leaps up When I Behold Arainbow in the sky: Sowas it when my life began, Sois it now I am a man, Sobe it when I shall grow old, Orlet me die! TheChild is father of the Man: AndI could wish my days to be Boundeach to each by natural piety.