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中国诗人野鬼DIABLO荣获黎巴嫩2011年度“Naji Naaman”文学奖

发表于 2011-8-30 22:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中国诗人野鬼DIABLO荣获黎巴嫩2011年度“Naji Naaman”文学奖


本刊黎巴嫩讯  2011年6月3日, Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture(纳吉•阿曼文化基金会)在黎巴嫩以英语、法语、阿拉伯语向世界宣布:经由纳吉•阿曼文化基金会(FGC)评审委员会决审,2011年度“纳吉•阿曼文学奖”(Naji Naaman’s Literary Prizes 2011)评选揭晓。
本届文学奖共有1332名诗人、作家、艺术家参与角逐,分别来自53个国家,作品涉及29个语种和方言,包括:阿尔巴尼亚语、阿拉伯语、罗马尼亚语、保加利亚语、汉语、英语、法语、加里西亚语、德语、希腊语、意大利语、日语、马其顿语、玛雅语、挪威语、波兰语、俄语、塞尔维亚语、西班牙语、瑞典语、土耳其语、乌克兰语等。经过评审委员会票决,最终有55位诗人、作家、艺术家胜出,荣膺第九届“纳吉•阿曼文学奖”(2011年度)。其中,中国诗人野鬼先生凭借诗作《鸟语》(Bird’s Language)而夺得该项国际文学奖,其诗《鸟语》(汉语、英语、阿拉伯语对照)、简介(英语、法语、阿拉伯语对照)和黑白照片,刊布于纳吉•阿曼文化基金会编译的该奖项的系列文学年鉴《prix licttéraires  premios literarios  naji naaman’s literary prizes 2011》。
“纳吉•阿曼文学奖” 创立于2002年,以“复兴文学价值”为宗旨,该奖一直颁发给国际最前卫的文学作品。

Naji Naaman’s Literary Prizes 2011: Results in English, French and Arabic.
Results will be publicly announced from the third of June 2011.
Naji Naaman’s literary prizes 2011:
55 new prizewinners

       With 1322 participants in competition, from fifty three countries, writing in twenty nine languages and dialects: Albanian, Arabic (literary and several spoken dialects), Romanian, Bulgarian, Chinese, English, French, Galician, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Maya, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukranian, the ninth picking season of Naji Naaman’s literary prizes (2011) rewarded fifty five new prizewinners:

         During next July, laureates will found their chosen texts printed (integrally or in part) in the prizes’ yearbook within the free of charge literary series, and shall receive an appropriate attestation giving them the honorary title of member of Maison Naaman pour la Culture.
      今年7月,55位得主获颁获奖证书,并被授予纳吉•阿曼文化基金会(Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture,FCG)荣誉会员称号。其获奖作品、简介、照片等刊发于该奖项的系列文学年鉴。

        Released in 2002, Naji Naaman’s literary prizes are awarded to authors of the most emancipated literary works in content and style, aiming to revive and develop human values.
“纳吉•阿曼文学奖” 创立于2002年,以复兴文学价值为宗旨,该奖一直颁给国际最前卫的文学作品。

1- Encouragement prizes: Hayil Al-Muzabi (Yemen); Céline Dawalibi and Sana’ Sbeity (Lebanon).
2- Merit prizes: Paul-Ersilian Roşca (Romania); Josiane Michael Konagheu Chemou (Cameroon); Saber Al-Habacha (Tunisia-Bahrain); Iman Ash-Shafi’i (Egypt); ‘Abdus-Salam Al-Ja’mati, Tawfiq Bouchari and Yunus Lachhab (Morocco); Ra’id Ghunaym (Palestine); Athir Al-Hashimi (Iraq).
3- Creativity prizes: Noor Soogy-Bhat (Mauritius); Amal ‘Awwad Radhwan and ‘Izzat Abur-Rabb (Palestine); Carmen Cortez, Niculina Oprea, Goran Mrakic and Florentina Stanciu (Romania); Hassan An-Nawwab (Iraq-Australia); Khaled Khashan and Muhannad At-Takriti (Iraq); Tony Rebecchi (France); ‘Amar Boukhroufa (Djamel Jiji) and ‘Abdul-Lah At-Tawati (Algeria); Khalid Khraybish, Muhsin Al-Wakili, ‘Abdus-Sami’ Bensaber, Khadija Mouaddi, Mustafa An-Nafissi, Yussuf Al-Azraq and Kacem Loubay (Morocco); Hamid Al-Hajjam (Morocco-Singapore); Inaxio Goldaracena (Spain); Muhammad ‘Abbas ‘Ali (Egypt); Muhammad Akhras (Syria); Naji Younis, Ralda Karam and Lama Nasser (Lebanon).
4- Honour prizes (for complete works): Ahmed Hafdi (Moroccan writer); Alexandar Baljak (Serbian poet); Alexandar Cotric (Serbian poet); Angela Baciu (Romanian poetess and culture promoter); Arlette Homs (French poetess and authoress); Carolina Ilica (Romanian poetess, essayist and diplomat); Denis-Martin Chabot (Canadian playwright and novelist); Diablo (Zhang Zhi) (Chinese poet and critic); Fabrizio Caramagna (Italian poet); Gilbert Marquès (French man of theater, poet, musician, songwriter and novelist); Ioan Radu Vǎcǎrescu (Romanian poet and prose writer); Mesut Senol (Turkish poet, editor and radio TV presenter); Mieczysław Kosłowski (Polish poet); Nicole Barrière (French poetess and sociologist); Sabah Kharrat Zouein (Lebanese poetess and critic); Samira Kadiri (opera and soprano artist, researcher in Arabic music and Andalousian patrimony).
                            Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture(FGC)

About the Naji Naaman (“纳吉•阿曼文学奖”创始人简介)

Naji Naaman is not only a publisher. Born in Harissa (Lebanon) on May 19, 1954, he studied history, law and commercial sciences and got (in 1979) the respective three academic degrees from Lebanon, then (in 1980) a DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) in history from the University of Nantes (France).
    Married to Fadia Tawfiq Al-Hawa in 1981, father of one girl (Hanane) and two sons (Marwan et Rayyan), he run since 1979 Maison Naaman pour la Culture and is editing two specialized series of studies and researches about the Arab world: Siyassa wa Stratégia (Politcs and Strategy), in Arabic, and The Arab World, in English.
Naji Naaman is also editing and publishing, sometimes as sole author, two encyclopedias in Arabic: a thematic one entitled Encyclopedia of Contemporary Arab World (Mawsu'atul 'Alamil 'Arabiyyil Mu'assir), in ten volumes, and an historical one entitled Encyclopedia of Arab Events (Mawsu'atul Waqa'I'il 'Arabiyya), in five volumes. The biographical volumes he created in 1985 in Arabic were edited as from 1999 in English via Naaman Biographical Centre (NBC). Two different titles are published: 2000 Prominent Arabs of the 20th Century, and World of Arabs.
     He released in 1991 a free of charge series of literary books, Ath-Thaqafa bil Majjan, and created, in 2002, the Naji Naaman's Literary Prizes (Jawa'iz Naji Naaman al-Adabiyya), which are awarded to authors of the most emancipated literary works (in content and style) aiming to revive and develop human values. Prizes awarded (between 2003 and 2007) more than 225 laureates worldwide, and made the publishing house a “polyglot” one printing in some forty different languages and dialects. In 2007, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of Monsignor Nicolas Naaman, he created a new series of Targeted Literary Prizes (Jawa'iz Naji Naaman Al-Hadifa), i.e.:
- Archbishop Nicolas Naaman's Prize for human virtues.
- Mitri Naaman's Prize for the defense and the advance of Arabic language.
- Angélique Bacha's Prize for the consolidation of familial ties.
- Marie-Louise El-Hawa Prize of moral literature for children.
The same year, he inaugurates “Mitri and Angélique Naaman Commemorative Room” (Salatu Mitri wa Angélique Naaman Al-Isti'adiyya), and organized a salon: “the Wednesday meetings” (Liqa'ul Arba'a').
Naji Naaman has more than forty works, among them two thesis in French: L’Organisation Administrative et Comptable de l'Imprimerie (1976), and l’Expansion Phénico-Punique en Méditerranée Occidentale (1980), as well as three economic studies in Arabic, and the following literary and poetic works: “Khams wa 'Ichroun” (Twenty five years, 1979), “Anti wal Watan” (You and the Homeland, 1980), “Ar-Rasa'il” (Letters, 1st edition, December 1995; 2nd edition, January 1996), “Al Mun'atiq” (The Emancipated, November 1997), “Adabiyyatul Alfith Thalith” (Writings of the Second Millenium, December 1999); the last book includes all the aforesaid literary works plus: “Al Mundamij” (The Integrated) and “Az-Zikra” (Souvenirs); finally “Al-Halim” (The Dreamer, November 2001), “Al-Alifya” (The Alpha-Omega, December 2002), “Al-Mussalim” (The Pacifist, March 2005). His manuscripts include: “Lihubbiqi Sulafa” (theater, 2006). Director of Les Éditions Arabes (between 1978 and 1979), the publishing house created by late Father Paul Coron s.j., Naji Naaman translated into Arabic five French titles within the famous “Que sais-je” series, i.e.: Les Euro-Dollars; Crises et Récessions Économiques; Le Proche-Orient Arabe; Le Foot-ball; La Franc-Maçonnerie. He also translated many other tiltles of foreign poets and writers, as well as Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian (Lisbon, Portugal).
     Naji Naaman is translated into French (Morceaux Choisis, 2002) and Romanian (Emancipatul, 2002, and Poeme Alese, 2003). Selected poems and texts of him entitled An-Najiyyat are translated in some thirty languages.
     Moreover Naji Naaman created in 1987 Galerie d'Art Naaman (art gallery), and opened in 1999 the stocks of Maison Naaman pour la Culture to any person or association whishing to acquire free of charge books, and thus on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the House foundation, the fifth anniversary of its founder death, and the proclamation of Beirut the Arab cultural capital.
     In his first and only participation to a poetic festival, Naji Naaman has been laureate of the International Grand Prix of Poetry awarded by the International Academy Orient-Occident, Bucharest – Romania, 2002. Nominated in 2004 to the famous Premi Internacional Catalunya, he refused several titles and prizes, The World Medal of Freedom, 2006, being the last of them.

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